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Hydraulic hose storage precautions


(1𝔉) the sto🍒rage period of the hose should be as short as possible, the general bulk hose is up to 4 years, the hose assembly is up to 2 years, should follow the principle of "first in first out".

(2) When the hose is stored, it should be placed separately according to different varieties and specifications, and clearly marked t🍎o prevent confusion.

(3) The hose should be stored in the dark away ꦐfrom sunlight and strong artificial light source, should be stored in a relaxed state as far as possible, and the hose with an inner diameter of 76MM or more should generally be stored flat.

(4) If the hose needs to be stacked, the height of the stacked hose should be limited to the extent that the bott💙om hose does not produce permanent deformation. And should be "stacking" frequently during the storage period, generally not less than once a quarter. And it is strictly forbidden to pile heavy objects on the pipe body to prevent external extrusion and damage.

(5) Storage temperature should be between 0 and 35oC, preferably around 15oC. During the storage of the hose, the temperature should not exceed 50oC or lower than -30oC, and there should be no abnormal fluctuations. When tജhere is a heat source near the🌱 storage area, the distance from the heat source should meet the above requirements. The relative humidity in storage should not exceed 65%.

(6) The storage area should not have equipment that can produce ozone, such as mercury vapor lamps (tubes), high voltage equipment, electric motors or other equipment that can produce electric sparks 🎀(charges).

(7) There should be no equipment near the storage area that can generate electric or magnetꦑic fields to prevent changes or fluctuations in the electromagnetic field from generating induced current in the metal joint and causing it to gener🐎ate heat.

(8) In addition to complyi𝓀ng with the above requirements during the storage of special hose (such as hose for conveying and sucking food, etc.), the tube body should also be kept clean to💞 prevent the hose from being contaminated.

Contact Us

Contact: China Zhuofan Hydraulic Co., Ltd Phone: +8613184968882 Tel: +8613184968882 E-mail: zfhydraulic@163.com Add: Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China
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